Few years ago, controversial Nigeria actress, Tonto Dikeh, styled the Toyin Lawani’s ‘Tiannah Styling’ fashion brand. Her then Tiger-inspired dresses for the fashion brand made several headlines, which also launched the stylist and made her a talk of the town.
Both parties enjoyed a smooth relationship, but alas!, that cordial bond between them may have been distorted, going by the latest happenings between them and monitored by Aproko247.
A moment ago, Tonto and Toyin slugged it out with each other on a micro-blogging platform, Twitter, taking swipes at each other.
Toyin accused Tonto of claiming that the dresses she (Toyin) made for her for free were done by another fashion designer.
“I respect and love my clients but will take offense if dey (they) take me for granted. Imagine you design lots of clothes for free for a client and she puts anoda (another) brand name?” a furious Toyin asked on her Twitter page.
“I’m a work mum who’s got respect for pips (people), I work hard for a living to build my brand. I won’t let a riffraff get away with rubbishing it with lies,” she said further.
In one of Tonto’s tweets, she said, “I, Tonto Dikeh, do not shop from or endorse or recommend nor identify with Tiannh Styling as a tailoring outfit. Thanks, please pass the message.”
She further said, “Destroy her plans and any foul place I have been talked about. Baba God, You have done it before and will do it again. I plead the blood of Jesus.
“I cover my home in the blood of Jesus. I soak my life in the blood of Jesus. May no evil come close to me. May your angel always be with me Lord,” Tonto further said.
Tonto Dikeh, Toyin Lawani At War Over Dress http://t.co/C0kC40pKMI