Heritage Bank Declares May ‘Children Banking Month’

heritage bank MD

The month of May has been declared ‘Children Banking Month’ by Heritage Bank. This is part of the bank’s children financial literacy initiative to commemorate the kids on May 27.

The laudable programme, which is in its second year, is themed, ‘Taking The Early Lead.’

Activities have already been lined up to directly impact a minimum of 320 primary and secondary schools nationwide in 2016. The project is also in recognition of the pivotal role children play as the leaders of tomorrow.

Commenting on the initiative, Managing Director/Chief Executive Director of Heritage Bank, Ifie Sekibo said, “We are dedicating this month to our young customers with the aim of encouraging them through their parents to imbibe the culture of savings.”

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Sekibo stated that “aligned with the dedication is our financial literacy campaign, geared towards equipping our future leaders with the requisite knowledge to make them better leaders in keeping with the bank’s vision of creating, preserving and transferring wealth across generations.”

Each experience centre, a nomenclature of the bank for its branches, is expected to select two primary or secondary schools within its area of operation and interface with them in two ways: play host to the schools, taking them through banking operations and allowing them perform some easy roles during the excursion and at a later date, staff of the branch will then visit the schools and address or coach the pupils on aspects of financial literacy.

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Altogether Heritage bank at the end of the month would have imparted financial education on over 700 schools across the country since commencing this programme last year, an initiative that the vibrant and dynamic financial institution also considers as a corporate social responsibility.

The Managing Director stated: “The project is part of Heritage Bank’s contribution towards transforming the nation in paying more attention to the bud stage. This underscores our belief that if we get it right with the children, then the future of the nation is guaranteed. At Heritage Bank we believe in creating, preserving and transferring wealth.”

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Hundreds of exercise books, pencils, water bottles, umbrellas will be won by pupils, parents and wards in the course of the month through various engaging activities.

The high points of the commemoration will be the launching of a first-of-its-kind financial literacy comic book for easy and better understanding of financial education and the hosting of a huge children’s day party for all its Bud account holders.

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