5 Ways Nigerians Eat Rice


Rice is one of the most common foods in Nigeria. Every single ethnic group or type has a local dish either made from or eaten with rice. Generally, this is because rice is commonly inexpensive and easy to make. Jumia Travel shares 5 of these local Nigerian meals that include rice. The white rice is classic, but the recipes below also work with brown rice or wild rice.

Tuwo  Shinkafa

A rice meal popular in the Northern regions of Nigeria, Tuwo Shinkafa is a fufu recipe prepared with the soft rice variety.  Although usually preferred with short local rice that can be easily mashed to make a mass of Fufu, the meal can also be made with rice flour. It is usually served with Northern Nigerian soups including Miyan Kuka, Miyan Taushe and more. It can also be paired as swallow with other Nigerian soups.

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Another Northern Nigerian rice recipe consumed mostly by the Hausa people, Masa or Sinasir is simply rice pancakes. Prepared with the same soft variety of rice used for Tuwo Shinkafa, the meal is simply made by blend the rice till smooth, adding yeast and onion, sugar and salt after the mix has risen, then frying in oil. It is traditionally made into an oval shape. It is popular and seen at most Suya stands.

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Jollof Rice

A popular rice recipe in Nigeria. Jollof rice is very tasty and consumed by all and sundry. It is hard to attend an event or occasion in the country without encountering this meal on the menu as its attractive colour and plush taste makes it the preferred dish. It is usually paired with moi- moi, vegetable salad or fried plantain.

Kunun Gyada

A light porridge from Kunun Gyada is much like pap (Akamu or ogi) except that it is made from  raw groundnuts and rice instead. To prepare the meal, simply boilgroundnut milk and add to rice blended with cool water. The technique can also be reversed and the rice poured into the hot groundnut milk .

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Rice and stew/sauce

Rice and stew is a very common meal combo in Nigeria. The rice is simply boiled with salt and paired with either tomato stew or any other sauce ranging from Ofada sauce, Ofe Akwu, vegetable sauce and even broths like pepper soup and gravy. From Bukkas to hotel restaurants, rice is served as a combo with different types of local stews, sauce and soups.

Nkem Ndem is a PR Associate at Jumia Travel.

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