6 Simple Tips For Beating Deadlines

Work deadlines are set to ensure that you keep to time and give you a sense of direction at work. It is not to punish you. However, many of us grumble about deadlines because we find it difficult to meet them. This is not an excuse as you may be sacked or queried if you do not meet these deadlines. Clearly, you do not want this to happen to you. Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency shares tips to help you meet your deadlines.

Keep a list of your projects

Every day when you arrive at work, you should write down all the deadlines you have to meet. You should start from the most important to the less important. As you meet each deadline, you should tick it off your list.

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Care about deadlines

This is perhaps the first thing you should do. You have to take your deadline very serious. In addition, have it at the back of your mind that once you do not meet your deadline, you will be queried by your superior.

Break down the task

You cannot perform an entire work at one swoop. Everything will be muddled up and you will end up not meeting the deadline. The rule of thumb is to take each task one after the other to make it easier.

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Communicate clear deadlines

Whoever you are working with, ensure that you are in agreement with a particular deadline, including time of day to submit your completed work. If the deadline is unclear, you may find it difficult to meet it.

Send work immediately you are done

Do not wait until you have finished all your task before you send it to your client. As you complete each task, you should send it immediately. There is no need to delay. Of course, if you send it early, you will get instant feedback and if there is any correction or changes, you can make it.

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Let them know if you cannot meet up

Do not keep mute if you cannot meet the deadline. Tell your client or employer your challenges and reasons why you cannot meet up. Possibly, the deadline can be extended. Importantly, do not make it a habit of asking for a deadline extension.

Adeniyi Ogunfowoke is a PR Associate at Jumia Travel

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