7 Things You Should Do Everyday Before You Start Your Car

A car is just like our body. We do not really care about it until we have a headache or something happens. That is when we remember the doctor or hospital.

This is not supposed to be the case but many of us do it. Perhaps we are scared of hospitals. It is the same with our cars. Some people just jump in their cars without checking or doing anything and zoom off. This is very risky. It is better to take precautions before you start your car so as to avoid stories that touch. Accordingly, we share the things you must check in your car before you turn on the ignition.

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Check the brakes

Before you set out on your journey, make sure to check the brakes and see if they have the needed stopping power. If you feel the brakes are not effective enough, head immediately to your mechanic or add more brake oil.

Check your tyres

Tyres are a very important car accessory. Never joke with it because you do not want it bursting while driving. Hence, check if you have a flat tyre and also make sure that it contains the required pressure. Importantly, always carry a spare.

Your fluids level

You don’t need to check the fluid levels on a daily basis but do so once every 15 days or at least on a monthly basis. Some of the fluids include engine oil, brake oil, power steering oil. Do not forget the water level.

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Adjust the rear view mirrors

Adjust the rear view mirrors to the point you would be able to see a small portion of the rear end of your car along with the lane next to it on your outside rear view mirrors (ORVM).

Adjust your seat

You should do this frequently if you are not the only driver. As a rule, do not commence your journey unless you are comfortable in the driver’s seat. You should be able to reach up to the pedals without having to stretch your legs.

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Fasten your seatbelt

If your car has a reminder to fasten your seatbelt, it is good. But if it does not, make a habit. In fact, today you may be risking arrest in Lagos if you fail to fasten or use your seatbelt.

Check the gears

Do a check to see if the gears are working properly to know if they are getting stuck or jamming up. This could mean it needs servicing. Don’t forget to put the gear back in neutral before starting the car.

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