Five Reasons To Stop Wearing Headphones Always

Headphones are very important because they make work and travel more fun. Therefore, it’s so common today to see people strolling with their headphones. Despite the seeming advantage (s) of headphones, it should not be constantly plugged in your ears for the following reasons shared by Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency.

You can’t hear cars coming at you

It’s much safer to walk around without your headphones. This is because you cannot hear cars coming at you and this can lead to an unavoidable accident. According to research, serious injuries have increased 300% in the last six years for pedestrians wearing headphones. So, make it a rule not to use your headphones on the road.

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Headphones overuse can damage your ears

Your ears may be damaged if you overuse headphones. So it’s probably best to let them breathe now and then.

You can’t hear the people around you

For people who are headphone addicts, they must have been told several times by a friend that they called out to them and they didn’t respond. Why? Because they had their headphone plugged in. If this is the report you always get, it is time to stop plugging your ears when you are around people.

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You miss the little things

After sight, hearing is the most important sense that engages us. If we can see but lack the sound-correlated ambience, we become dissociated. It’s like we are putting our minds on autopilot, and just going through the motions of daily life.

You risk coming off as rude

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Even if you’re the friendliest person around, headphones make you unapproachable. It makes it harder for people to call out to you.

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