Prophet Joshua Iginla Set to Bury Mother in Grand Style

The General Overseer of Champions Royal Assembly, Prophet Joshua Iginla is set to bury his beloved mother, Dcns. Mrs Lasisi Iginla in grandstyle.

She slept in the Lord on Thursday, 15th of April, 2021.

The funeral arrangements for mother of the internationally acclaimed prophet Iginla have been pegged to be a three-day event starting from Friday, 29th – Sunday, 31st of October, 2021.

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Several dignitaries from home and abroad are also expected at this special funeral event to celebrate the life and times of Mama Iginla who lived an exemplary life.

While announcing her death, Prophet Joshua Iginla described her as the queen of peace and love, while revealing the many great qualities he got from her

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“The Queen of peace and love , the vehicle that brought me to the world. You are my hero of childhood mum. You held my hands when I was small, you caught me when I fell and you taught me love, forgiveness and how to be a giver.

“I remember your last word mum, today you have gone to be with the Lord. Death takes the body. God takes the soul and the spirit. Our mind holds your memories. Our heart keeps your love. Our faith let us know, we will meet you again.

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“Your 83years on earth was a blessing. Your memory a treasure. I love you mum forever.’’

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