He stood before the gullible crowed, under the scorching sun and made a million promises.
The expectations of those who echoed his name were high, even when some of them had the believe all would be well….they never seemed to have taken out time to anticipate the future…
Their quick response to deceit was their doom, their immense acceptance of fake mantra buried the proclivity of their once enjoyable joy, rendered by a humble but highly educated son of a fisher man
Today, anguish, fears, hunger, deprivation, Fuel scarcity, begging, and unknown tomorrow stared bleakly to the people whose decision has led to their graves..
The only achievement Nigeria has recorded since the inception of their president, is making series of travel that has heeded nothing and having handshakes with some world leaders that have done enormously well in their respective countries….Shame!
The beauty of our anthem has been defiled and bashed because little or none only have faith in the country as it stands today, A once cherished pride has been thrown to the rubbles..
The deceptive accolades paraded by some old unrepentant agents of darkness are now open to the blind, with many of them having the ability to detect the pebbles in their soup and no longer call or regard them as crayfish..
The unrequited push for change has christened the pang of felony as even those who stood before their conscious being can only blame nature for monumental disarray of their decisive betrayals
The record of absurdity has climaxed to the prognosis of dilapidated facets of leadership debacle as the cabinet is full of old plugs with no valve, no vision and no tomorrow
The suffering continue while our grandpa junket all over the world smiling to international cameras and borrowing leaf from his vomit of yesterday
Posterity has clogged it’s energy in deciphering if truly Nigerians actually knew what they wanted from the onset…how long will these continue?
The tears, regrets that are now too late are let loose on the faces of innocent people…Oh nature! who will savage us from this despicable entreaties of no tomorrow?
Achebe was right and his prophesy has come to pass…Nigeria is gone….
There Was A Country!
Prince Chux Davix Onyemaka