4 Reasons Nigerian Weddings Have Defied Recession

It has been widely reported that the Nigerian economy is in a recession. In fact, economic experts and commentators have apprised Nigerians to cut their spending. Despite this, it seems Nigerians have largely ignored this advice especially when it comes to weddings. This is because, during some weekdays and weekends, event centres are filled out with guests, family members and friends present to witness the grand wedding. And some of them spend had currencies at these weddings. Of course, you know the amount expended on weddings. This has made some people doubt if Nigeria is actually in a recession. So why have Nigerian weddings defied the recession? Jumia Travel shares 5 reasons.

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Nigerians naturally love to party
Although the Ijebus in Ogun state, south-west Nigeria, are born party-lovers, partying seems to be in our DNA. Hence, no matter how difficult things are in the country, Nigerians will find time merry and rejoice. Some do not even mind if they spend their earnings or borrow money to satisfy their party urge. Consequently, it will not stop them from organising weddings.

Family crowdsourcing of finance
This is one of the exciting things of being a Nigerian. When you organise weddings or any other event, you will never carry the burden alone. Your family and friends will support you. Hence, if you want one of the biggest weddings in Lagos, you will definitely have their support morally and financially. But remember, after the wedding, you are on your own when it comes to settling your debts after all the merriment.

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It’s one of the couple’s happiest moment
Getting married to your heartthrob is one of the happiest moments in the life of the couples. Even if you are not going to break the bank for your wedding, you will try as much as possible to celebrate to the fullest. So, recession or no recession, the wedding goes on. After the wedding, both you can spend time at Intercontinental hotel Lagos.

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You can make money from the wedding to settle expenses
Nigerians have evolved creative ways to make money during their weddings. How? It is through dancing. Whether the couple knows how to dance or not, they must hit the dance floor because that is one of the ways to make money and settle some expenses. This why there is always a music band and someone who will pick the money on standby.
Adeniyi Ogunfowoke is a PR Associate at Jumia Travel.

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