A village in Borno State was totally burnt by suspected Boko Haram members on Wednesday. According to BBC, the arsonists stormed Ngawa Fate village, which is few kilometres from Maiduguri, bringing down the whole village by fire.
Only two houses were spared by the raging inferno ignited by the terrorists in the attack that occurred on Wednesday night.
When the gunmen arrived the village, most of its inhabitants had fled into safety, having been aware of the impending attack by the suspected terrorists. However, two villagers were killed in the invasion.
Insurgents have continued to unleash terror on the North East region of Nigeria. The Boko Haram group has carried out several deadly attacks in the north, especially in Borno State, causing the death of many people.
Boko Haram Completely Burns Borno Village http://t.co/VZPj58Y3a0