US Controls 66.2% of Bitcoin ATMs Worldwide

Bitcoin ATMs

Data compiled by shows that the United States now has 4274 ATMs installed. This figure represents 66.2% of the machines worldwide. Globally there are 6454 Bitcoin ATMs with eight units being installed daily as of January 20

North America Dominates Global Bitcoin ATMs

Canada has the second-highest number of installed Bitcoin ATMs at 678 units representing 10.5% of the global tally. These figures make North America the world’s leading region with ATM at 77% while Europe comes second with 19.1%.

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In Europe, the United Kingdom has 283 machines, while Austria has 184 units installed. Switzerland closes the top three categories with 84 installations (1.3%).

Asia is now the third continent with the highest Bitcoin ATMs where Hong Kong takes the lead with 54 units to represent 0.8% of the global tally.

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Additionally, an overview of the global Bitcoin community engagement data shows that millennials (25-34) take a significant lead at 46.32% while individuals aged between 35-44 years occupy the second position at 26.76%.

“From this perspective, it shows that the millennials are the driving force for the adoption of decentralized solutions.”

Bitcoin community participation is mainly influenced by factors like trust, perceived risk, security threat, perceived benefit, and perceived ease of use.

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The full story, statistics and information can be found here:

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