Tags: dubai

Spelling Bee Competition: Peat Philips Foundation Takes Nigeria to the forefront in Dubai

One of the Non-Governmental Organizations, NGO’s that have been contributing and impacting on the society is Peat Phillips Foundation, PPF, through education and foundational processes of children in their academic uplifting. Peat Philips Foundation is the organizer of the Spelling Bee in Nigeria, and the current edition is the 8th season of the annual educational…

What informs your special interventions like the Youth Programs in Dubai & Ghana? Let’s look at Ghana and then Dubai. I took over 30 youths to Ghana and then picked the best and sponsored them to Dubai. For Ghana, I had visited Accra and noticed its cleanliness. I met a lot of people there and…

Emirates Offers First Ever $500,000 Multi-Risk Travel Insurance Coverage

Emirates customers can now plan their travels and fly with even greater assurance and peace of mind, with the airline’s latest industry-first initiative to provide expanded, multi-risk travel cover on top of its current COVID-19 cover. Provided by Emirates at no additional cost to its customers, and provided by AIG Travel, this cover is the…
