Few days ago, the blogosphere was set ablaze with a damaging video of Miss Anambra, Chidinma Okeke, allegedly engaging in an act that has been condemned by many. In the said video, obtained by Aproko247 from the internet, the beauty queen was seen pleasuring another lady with cucumber. Though she initially denied being the person…
Tags: Miss Anambra
Unoaku Anyadike, 21, Wins 2015 MBGN
A new queen has emerged at the 2015 edition of the Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria, MBGN, and she is Unoaku Anyadike. Anyadike, who is 21, represented Anambra State at the prestigious contest and wrestle with 36 other contestants to wear the coveted MBGN crown. She first made it to the first 15 before picking…